Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Good, The Bad, and The Hopeful

Recently I found out a family member was diagnosed with a serious medical condition. While I am saddened by the news, I am trying to find any positive aspect to this situation. So much of the time, I am guilty, as I think are most people in this country, of taking the miracle of life for granted. We get busy. We're tired. We have too many responsibilities, too little time. We start functioning on auto-pilot. Sleepwalking through work, commutes, errands. Throwing together meals. Falling into bed exhausted, only to do it all over again. Hoping we can make it to the weekend; our next vacation; to 5:00.

There are so many phrases and idioms for slowing down, being present: Stop and Smell the roses; Be here Now; Live Life to the Fullest; The Time is Now; Just Do It. There are trite sayings, inspirational verses, prayers, and quotes. We may give lip service, thinking, "Yes! I will do that as soon as I can! When I have time............tomorrow. Later. Soon."

My promise to myself is to spend some time each day doing something for me. To wake up and look in the mirror and say "I love you!" and mean it. To think of the day ahead as an adventure, not a chore standing in the way of my life. To find something beautiful - a butterfly, a smile, a flower, sunset, laughing child.

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