Friday, September 16, 2011

Endangered Minnows

Several times today I heard or read a story about how the drought in Texas is threatening an endangered minnow species. Seems that the low levels in the Brazos River might cause the little critters to disappear, as they are not reproducing. Wildlife biologists are relocating the minnows to try to save the species.

Now, those who know me will attest to the fact that I am a card-carrying tree hugger. I'm all for clean air, clean water, and regulations on industry to keep our environment clean. I love all creatures, fire ants and snakes, not so much. And squirrels don't rank high on my list. But, I am getting off subject. I also have faith in mother nature, and believe that if natural conditions (like a drought) are causing a species to die off, then maybe us humans should not interfere.

Then there is the climate change debate......There's a very distinct possibility that the human race and our industrialized society are doing stuff that is causing climate change. And if we are causing climate change, which could be contributing to this devastating drought..........well, you see where I'm going with this. Maybe we should do everything in our power to save the minnows.

Wouldn't it be better, however, to try to look at our behavior? How what we are doing (or not doing) could be causing conditions on our Earth to deteriorate? Sure, all things change, and it could be just Mother Nature doing her thing. But what if it isn't?

What are you doing that might be wasting or harming precious resources? Letting the water run while you brush your teeth? Taking seriously long, luxurious showers? Throwing away food?

I'm reading a fascinating book, by Charles Fishman, called "The Big Thirst." I'm only on page 42 and I've already learned lots of interesting facts about water. Stragely enough, water is NOT the most common substance on Earth. And you can't "use up" water. It is highly localized however, and some of us are headed for disaster in the not-so-distant future. If you think oil is important, I've got news for you: Without water, nothing lasts long.

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